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Area 10 Student Ministry


Our Area 10 Student Ministry provides the next step for our youth to continue growing as men and women of God. The middle and high school years are very significant in the development of a person's identity. Throughout those years, many will try to find their identity through social groups, fads, peer pressure, and grades.


Our hope is to provide an environment where students can find their identity in that which matters- their faith. For those that are new or unfamiliar with Christianity, this ministry is still a perfect step toward understanding, since we usually discuss the basics of being a Christian. Through small group meetings and large group discussions, we seek to answer those questions about faith and life. We also like to have fun too! We regularly have fun events, parties, and lots of food!


We currently meet every Sunday night from 5-6:30 PM at Cartwheels & Coffee. Our ministry is open to anyone in middle or high school.


For more info, email Jamie Nuckols at

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