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To understand Area 10's whole story, you have to include Cartwheels & Coffee. 

While we’re ecstatic about meeting in The Byrd, it has one major drawback: a lack of space for kids’ classes. So we went looking for a place nearby with room for kids as well as our church offices And that’s when we found the space at 2820 West Cary Street.

In addition to being three doors down from The Byrd and having room for our offices and kids, it was and is a prime piece of retail space. We just couldn’t see opening the place for an hour or two once a week and letting it sit empty the rest of the time. We also wanted to provide something useful to our community that wasn’t already there.

And so the idea for Cartwheels & Coffee was born.

While we love our neighborhood and all it has to offer in terms of fun stuff like restaurants and shops – not to mention necessary stuff like grocery stores, banks and the like -- the one thing it seemed to be missing was a good option for parents with small children. We thought it would be great to have somewhere to take the kids (within walking distance) where they could run around and play without damaging merchandise, disturbing other patrons and generally embarrassing their parents.

And how great would it be if that place was also a decent place for adults? Not an explosion of Barney-inspired cartoon craziness, but a pleasant place to drink a cup of coffee and talk with other neighborhood parents about life, love and the joy of raising children. And that’s why Cartwheels & Coffee is here. To be a place for our community to gather -- young and old alike -- and share in the joy of being neighbors.

If you have pre-school children, come and visit us!

Cartwheels & Coffee

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