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Area 10 University is offered three times a year and are comprised of 4-week in-depth classes on a variety of topics. Classes meet at Cartwheels & Coffee. Don’t delay, class size is limited!​



MONDAY NIGHTS (May 4 - 25) • 7 - 9 PM


When Helping Hurts -  Garet Prior/Nicole Farr

Good intentions are not enough. When Helping Hurts offers a different framework for thinking about poverty and its alleviation. Join us as we explore how to help the poor without hurting them. 

COST: $5/person and cost of book



TUESDAY NIGHTS (May 5 - 26) • 7 - 9 PM


Discipleship 101 - Understanding How to Grow in Your Relationship With God - Tommy Moore

Long before the term “Christian” was tossed around, Jesus called us to be His disciples. In this class, we will unpack what that  Rabbi/Disciple relationship looks like and practical ways that we can became more like Jesus in our own lives.

COST: $5/person



Sharing Your Faith - Chris Barras

Have you ever had a golden opportunity, maybe at Thanksgiving or on a break with a co worker to explain why you believe what you believe about Jesus, but you just couldn’t get the words out?  In this class you will learn more about your own story and God’s grand story. You will also learn how to talk through tough issues/questions that many skeptics ask about Christianity.

COST: $5/person

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