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Area 10 is excited about the opportunity to get you plugged into service.

As a church we believe that service is a great way to get connected, grow in your faith, and is absolutely invaluable to the church as a whole. It takes over 60 volunteers every Sunday to make church happen.

We hope you find a place to step into service and experience the church with all it has to offer! Below is an outline of a few ways you can serve both inside and outside the church.

Serve at A10

The Frontline Team: consists of Set-Up, Tear-Down, Greeters, Coffee, Communion, Welcome Table and so much more. We offer these positions for anyone who is a part of Area 10 as without these teams Church and the Byrd wouldn't happen. These positions serve on a month on, month off rotating system. It is a great way to meet more people who call A10 their church home, but also provides you with an entry point to exercise your faith!

A10 Kids is another great opportunity to meet people, teach children and grow in your faith. Like Frontline, these positions serve on a month on month off rotating system. We have positions from Set-Up and Tear-Down to AV Tech's to Welcome Team to a variety of Classroom Teachers. If you love Kids and love serving this is a great fit for you!


A10 Youth: Love middle and high schoolers? Want to thelp them navigate being a teen-ager in an ever changing world and show them how to hold on to their faith in the midst of it? We need youth sponsors to build relationships with our teens as well as worship leaders for our Sunday evening gatherings.


Experience Team: Everything you experience on Sunday morning inside the Byrd Theatre comes together through a collaborative effort of many people. Whether it's the collective work of musicians in the band, the tech crew that runs lighting, sound, and video, or the Stage Manager and Producer that help it all flow together, we rely on the creatives of Area 10 to bring their passion to the Sunday morning gathering.  We also have a team of people that help design and build stage props, and another team that films the videos we use. If you have a creative bone in your body, this is the place for you to plug in.


Meal Team: This is a separate group of people who love cooking or love bringing people food in times of need. Throughout the year we have several opportunities where people need assistance, and one way we show our support is providing meals.  This is also for those who are interested in HOSTING an Around the Table community dinner at their home quarterly.


If you would like to get involved, please fill out the "Get Plugged In Form" below:

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