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Local Community Partnerships

At Area 10 we have built relationships with area organizations making an impact in our community. We encourage our folks to find ways to plug into the community by serving with our local partners and share some love beyond reason.

The Gray Haven Project

What They're About:

The Gray Haven Project is a Richmond based non-profit that provides hope and restoration to victims of human trafficking in Central Virginia though holistic aftercare services. 

How to get involved:


How to get involved:

Direct Services:

  • Transportation *female only 

  • Counseling *licensing, accreditation, and appropriate degree required

  • Social Services Advocacy

  • Court Advocacy *female only 

  • Tutoring

  • Child Care *female only *CPR certification preferred

  • Life Skills

  • Mind.Body.Spirit: If it is the survivors choice-explore spirituality *may require transportation

  • Mentoring


Administrative Team:

  • Fundraising

  • Event Planning

  • Administrative/Executive Assistant

  • Graphic design

  • Grant Writing

  • Donations Manager

  • Newsletter



William Fox Elementary

What They're About:

William Fox Elementary is a local, public elementary school that we partner with most consistently throughout the year! They have hosted our Rise Richmond in the spring and have shown their support of Area10 for many years.


How to get involved:

(check out the calendar for orporate church-wide events)

  • Backpacks School Supply Drive

  • Back to School Night

  • Thanksgiving Turkey Boxes

  • Rise Richmond



John B Cary Elementary

What they’re about:

Cary Elementary is a local- Title 1- public school located just a few blocks away from Carytown. We have worked with them throughout the years to help meet needs of families, the PTA, and the school itself. 


How to get involved:

  • Math Tutors:  We need math tutors every Monday and Tuesday from 12:15-1:15 to help students learn their multiplication facts.  Tutors will work with one or two students under the direction of a lead volunteer who runs the math program.  No experience is necessary and the kids love the individual attention.  

  • First Friday Readers: We meet on the First Friday of each month at 9:00 am in the library at Cary and proceed to a classroom to be a guest reader. Books are provided by the librarian.  It takes about 20 minutes.

  • Garden Help:  We have a vegetable garden at Cary that serves as a learning center for the students.  We need extra hands to help run our gardening program in the spring and assist students with hands on activities in the garden.



World Pediatric Project

What they’re about:

World Pediatric Project (WPP) is an international non-profit organization based in Richmond, VA and St. Louis, MO. WPP coordinates surgical and diagnostic care for children in Central America and the Eastern Caribbean by sending out medical mission teams to our partner countries and by bringing children to Richmond and St. Louis for life-saving surgical intervention. Our volunteers work directly with the children and their guardians. Some families who travel for care speak only Spanish. It is not necessary for our volunteers to speak Spanish, but it is a bonus if they do! We rely on volunteers to assist families with many of the practical and supportive needs they have while undergoing medical treatment, including:


How to get involved:

  • Picking up/dropping off families at the airport

  • Transporting and accompanying families to medical appointments

  • Assisting families with surgery check-in

  • Visiting families in the hospital or housing facility

  • Taking families on outings

  • Providing social and emotional support to families



Impact Richmond

What they’re about:

impactRichmond is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that strives to be the hands and feet of Christ in the Richmond community by building relationships with our neighbors and providing home maintenance and repair services for those in need. Our program impacts the lives of the youth participants, adult counselors, and neighborhood residents it serves.


How to get involved:

Volunteer your time! Serve during the camp week: 

  • Shopping for materials 

  • Prepping and organizing supplies

  • Helping with food 

  • technical support

  • Work alongside teens and neighbors as a project captain. 



Young Life

What they’re about:

Young Life City Capernaum gives young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities the chance to experience fun and adventure, to develop fulfilling friendships, and to challenge their limits while building self-esteem through club, camp and other exciting activities. Young Life City Capernaum volunteers model Christ’s unconditional love and acceptance as they walk alongside these young people — celebrating them and helping them grow in their faith with love and support.  


Visit for more information about the organization.


How to get involved:

  • Volunteer as a leader- bi-weekly at club events 6-7:30pm

  • Support- Give financially to help support kids going to camp and
    bi-weekly supplies for club



Other Local Partners


Bair Foundation

Richmond Center for Christian Study

Albert Hill Middle School 

Carytown Merchant’s Association


Sports Backers

Fresh Air Fund


United Methodist Family Services

What They're About:

UMFS (United Methodist Family Services) began as an orphanage in 1899. Today we provide a comprehensive network of services to children and families across Virginia by specializing in treatment foster care and adoption, intensive residential treatment and crisis intervention services for adolescents, FamilyCARE services (collaboration, advocacy, resources, empowerment), and specialized education services for adolescents including students with Autism. The mission of UMFS is “Touching lives, Creating futures” by serving families with our hearts and expertise! . If you have a passion for teens and want to make a difference in the life of a young person, please consider volunteering with UMFS!


How to get involved:

  • Subject Tutors

  • Life Skills Tutors

  • Mentors

  • Classroom Partners




What They're About:

CARITAS serves as the first line of community support for anyone in need of emergency shelter. Over 185 participating congregations provide shelter, food, and necessities on a weekly basis to individuals and families in need of immediate assistance. Through our four programs- Shelter, Furniture Bank, Works, and The Healing Place- CARITAS provides support, training and material assistance to break the cycle of homelessness and restore stable productive lives.



How to get involved:

  • Cleaning/organizing on-site

  • Personal Shopper: helping people shop for their new home  

  • Tutoring and preparing individuals for employment





Christian Student Fellowship

What They're About:

Christian Student Fellowship (CSF) at Virginia Commonwealth University is the collegiate ministry partnered with Area 10 Faith Community. CSF is a fellowship on the campus of VCU who join in Area 10’s vision to “Love Beyond Reason” by fostering community with Christ, the Church, and the Lost within the students of VCU.


How to Get Involved:

  • "Adopt a Ram”

  • Mentorship

  • Helping carpool students to church gatherings

  • Meal provision

  • Assisting in teaching, worship, times of fellowship and retreat.



Josh Smith – Campus Minister,


Landon Elliott – Campus Minister,

Fresh Start for Single Moms

What they’re about: 

A Fresh Start For Single Mothers And Their Children Community Outreach Mission Project is a unique faith based non- denominational 20 week program designed to provide an environment of positive support for single mothers and their children in which they will find encouragement, education, spiritual enrichment, growth, hope for daily living and the future. The program seeks to break the cycle of broken relationships, generational failures and shape the hearts of the next generation by promoting positive life changing advancements, ideas and information. The focus is to help the single mother accept the singleness factor and move beyond it.  This is a community cooperative effort. We welcome women from all faiths, economic backgrounds never married, separated, divorced, grandmother raising grand kids alone, single mom by adoption.  There is no charge to our families for the program. We are an all volunteer organization with no paid staff.


How to get involved: 

  • Dinners For Meetings: Simple Main Dish for approx. 25 Ladies

  • Donate: Cookies / Candy / Juice Boxes / Soda Liters & Small cans / Snacks (for weekly meetings / check expiration dates, no peanut / nut products)

  • Donate: supplies for meals, gift cards, food items (Call for more details)

  • Small home repairs and yard work for our moms / Car Repairs / Computer Repairs

  • Sponsor: Storage Space, Sessions, Families in crisis, Pizza for kids, families for Christmas (Call for details)

  • Volunteer: for childcare, as a teen mentor, early set up for meetings, clean up for meetings



Sylvia Stewart     804-364-0460

Thomas Jefferson HS

What they’re about:

Thomas Jefferson is a comprehensive high school of approximately 850 students who are offered a full menu of extra-curricular and athletic activities. Our teachers and staff members will work together to provide a challenging and nurturing academic environment to help ALL our students reach the highest levels of learning possible. In partnership with Richmond Public Schools and Henrico County Public Schools, Communities In Schools of Richmond identifies the most critical needs of students K-12 and their families and locates and coordinates community resources, dedicated volunteers and agencies to serve in partnership with the schools. CIS ensures that the work of these outside agencies and volunteers is interconnected and integrated, providing the support students need the most. 


How to get involved:

  • Mentoring 2-1: Bi-monthly for an hour during school hours

  • Group Mentoring- After school 

  • Teacher Assistant- Administration help, Planning tasks- (varied schedules and time)

  • Donations of items: Stay- Well-Kits (tissues, hand sanitizer, cough drops), snacks, bottled water

  • Gift cards (of any amount) for Students and Teachers to be rewarded for hard work. 



Northside Outreach Center

What they’re about:

NOC is a non-denominational Christian-based 501(c)3. Since 2004, the NOC has been working to revitalize the Highland Park community in the Northside of Richmond, VA. Our desire is to bring positive transformation to Highland Park spiritually, relationally, and economically through connecting people to needed resources, mentoring and discipleship, and community outreach. The NOC's stable presence in the community positions us to serve the residents with consistency, as well as develop strong partnerships with local leaders and organizations so that we can work together to make a lasting difference.


Visit for more information about the organization.


How to get involved:

  • Become a mentor

  • Volutneer w/ afterschool Programming

  • Volunteer at Community Store

  • Volunteer at Community Food Pantry 



Boaz & Ruth

What they’re about:

Empowering the physically blighted commercial corridor of Highland Park by restoring buildings, operating social enterprises and providing jobs. Rebuilding lives of men and women needing a second chance through relationships and training. Connecting Highland Park neighbors and our program participants to the wider Richmond community through shared experiences that bridge racial, economic and geographic barriers. 



How to get involved:

  • Pray for the participants, neighborhood and organization

  • Coach a participant

  • Provide dinner for a class  

  • Grant writing

  • Newsletter

  • Gardening

  • Painting facilities

  • Donate gently used clothing and household goods

  • Volunteer at Harvest Thrift and Sunny Days



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