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Fasting and Concentration

I ran into an old friend the other day and he told me about some diet he tried. During this diet he would only eat from noon to 6 pm. Outside of the range- no food at all. It is some sort of “fasting” diet. I listened with curiosity as he described what it felt like and what the benefits were.

One of the most interesting benefits he told me was that he felt that it improved his concentration- especially in the morning. There was something about being hungry at 10 am that actually drove him to greater productivity. I thought that was odd. A lot of times when I’m fasting I get distracted because I keep thinking about food! But recently I read this:

Fasting fosters concentration on God and his will. Oswald Chambers once said that fasting means "concentration," because when you're fasting, you have a heightened sense of attentiveness. Food or any physical sensation can satisfy, fill you up, and dull your senses and spiritual ears. In contrast, a hungry stomach makes you more aware and alert to what God is trying to say to you.

Has that been your experience? Does a hungry stomach make you more aware and alert? If not, do you think that is even possible? My prayer today is that I’m awake and alert so I can hear God speak to me through his spirit.

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