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Pray, Fast, then decide

Acts 13:1-3 I read this this morning and was reminded that the early church often fasted when big decisions had to be made. This is so different than how we fast and different than how we make big decisions. I don’t know about you, but often when faced with big decisions, the first thing I do is worry (which is exactly what Jesus tells us not to do in Matthew 6), then I make a plan and then go execute the plan or make the decision. How much better would things be if when faced with a big decision I 1) Prayed first! 2) Fasted and used that hunger to remind me to pray more . 3) Made a plan. 4) Made the decision and moved forward confident that the decision has been prayed and fasted over. This is very convicting to me today. Today I will be fasting for our church. I am praying that God does some incredible things here this year.

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